Have you ever felt abandoned, betrayed or hurt by those who are close to you?

  Jesus experienced what it's like to be abandoned. The people closest to him left him during the most difficult time of his life. Let's read the record on how Jesus dealt with being deserted and left to die alone on the cross.

John 16:32 - "Behold the hour cometh, yea, is now come, that ye shall be scattered, every man to his own, and shall leave me alone:...

Let me address that Jesus here is speaking to the disciples during the last supper when he makes this statement.

We see that Jesus in his foreknowledge knew what would happen. Jesus in his infinite knowledge understood that no matter how close someone might be, they are capable of failing you because of mankind's sin nature. 

"and yet I am not alone, because the father is with me."

This last statement that wraps up verse 32 reveals Jesus's ability to cope with the issues of abandonment are found in his relationship with God the Father. 

I'd like to break this down into three quick points. My hope is that you can see abandonment through the eyes of Jesus and begin to have resolve in a healthy and biblical way, or perhaps help someone that suffers from this isolating issue of the heart and mind.


We have to come to the realization that people are people. Unfortunately we can agree that there are mothers who've abandon children, father forsaken families, brother against brother and so on. David wrote,

Psalm 27:10 - " When my father and mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up."

This isn't to say that everyone you love will forsake or abandoned you. I'm not saying that those that love you aren't trustworthy.

What I am saying is everyone you love will fail you at some point. They will hurt you whether intentionally or unintentionally. Nobody is perfect, we are all sinners. Paul writes about the issues of his flesh.

Romans 7:18 - " For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not."

The more we are able to understand that mankind is an imperfect, fallen and flesh encased creature, the more we can see why we shouldn't devote entirely our heart and trust into man. 

Despite the disciples being Jesus's inner circle, whom he spent most every day of his last three years of his life with, Jesus was not at all shaken by the thought of them scattering from him. He didn't place his security in his dear friends, He was secure w/ God and he was good because he knew God was with him, which leads me to my next point.


Only with God is it entirely safe to devote your heart and trust. 

Psalm 62:8 - "Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah."

Jesus who is God the Son, was able to find refuge from abandonment, loneliness and bitterness by trusting that God was with him when man forsook him. Since his stock wasn't placed in man but in God, he then is okay with being left alone.

A few verses that share how we can trust God to sustain us.

Psalm 55:22 - "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved."

Romans 8:28 - "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

 Matthew 11:28 - " Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

Please understand, trusting God doesn't always mean that the hurt will go away, it means that you are looking to him to sustain you through the pain.

I'll illustrate it this way...

If your spouse divorced you, it'll hurt for awhile. If you don't handle it the right way, the hurt can turn to a wound which'll lead to bitterness. Now you have a hard heart that's bitter and unforgiving, you won't love the same and will never truly heal and move forward. You are a shell of who you're capable of being and are kept down by your inability to heal. 


The spouse divorced you, it'll hurt for awhile. You turn to God, bringing your problems to Him in prayer. You're hurting but your trusting what the Bible says about Gods ability to sustain you. Believing he's with you and won't forsake you. Believing that this hard time will come together for good if you love him. These truths and others, help you move forward day by day. Youre asking the church to help you through this. Eventually you come out the other side and you're good. Perhaps with a scar but not a wound. 

You're not bitter, you're not lonely...yet you've been betrayed and abandoned.

God was your refuge.



Yeah Yeah. We've heard it all before. God loves me. THEN WHY DO WE HAVE TO DEAL WITH THESE ISSUES TO BEGIN WITH?! 

I understand this is the attitude that many people have towards the statement of "God loves you". I'll do my best to answer this, however I'd like to state that the Bible is basically an unconditional love story about God and his people. I raise you John 3:16, Romans 5:8, Romans 8:38-39 just to name a few.

There are many reasons why we endure such difficult times on this side of eternity. I suppose the first would be because we are not in heaven, only in heaven are there no sorrows and all tears wiped away. This world has been cursed with sin, due to mans free-will to disobey, beginning with Adam. 

I'll ask you this... Suppose God was to keep perfectness and pure goodness in the world. If he decided to get rid of all evil, all bad and unjustness, all unfairness and unholiness at midnight, would you still be present at 12:01am? Are you fully good? Are you sure?

You see, we are all sinners, none of us are perfect. It is only by God's love and mercy that we are not consumed! We deal with problems in this life because we live in a world full of natural decay, spiritual opposition and flesh that is contrary to the Spirit of God. However, because God is good, faithful...He can make that which was meant for evil and use it for good. Joseph's life is a testimony of this.

Genesis 50:20 - " But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive."

Ultimately, God's love for us is displayed by the gospel of Christ. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Doing so, he made a pathway to cultivate relationship w/ all who believe.

This love of God is so great, so deep and so sincere. If all we had in this life was God's love, we'd be whole. 

Matthew 6: 26 - "Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your Heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?"

Luke 12:7 - " But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows."

You see, God is Omniscient. That is to say he is ALL KNOWING. So much so that he know's every sparrow and takes care of them. Supplies their food, instructs them to migrate, they don't labor for anything, God naturally provides for them.

As much as he takes care of the birds of the sky, he cares so much more for you. You are created in his image, fearfully and wonderfully made. He knew you before you were conceived in the womb. You are made with a purpose. 

God see's you, know's you and loves you. Place your security in him, that when others forsake, hurt, betray, leave or abandon you, you're good because God is with you.





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